Sunday, July 17, 2022

Lake Isabelle, June 2022: Part II

My visit to the Indian Peaks had been perfect -- moose at Brainard Lake, and beautiful conditions for my hike to Lake Isabelle. That's not even an attempt at cheesy foreshadowing about problems cropping up later in the day, because none did.  Just more of the same wonderful Colorado summer experience. :)

Lake Isabelle
The outflow from the lake was running a little heavy for me to want to wade out in the middle for a photo like I had a few years earlier.

Lake Isabelle
Fortunately, the view from the shore was just fine.

Pine Cones, Lake Isabelle Trail
Midday lighting gets tricky to work with -- straight down and sharp contrast.  These pine cones were nicely illuminated, though.

Lake Isabelle Trail
Fun with my polarizing filter -- full reflection from one pond...

Lake Isabelle Trail
... nearly complete transparency at the next.

Lake Isabelle Trail
I really like this view of the South Saint Vrain Creek flowing from Long Lake taken from the little footbridge that connects the Pawnee Pass and Niwott Cutoff Trails.

Parry Clover, Lake Isabelle Trail
Like I mentioned earlier, the wildflowers weren't blooming yet in the same profusion I'd seen this time of year in the past.  This Parry Clover was making a go of it, though.

Anise Swallowtail, Brainard Lake
The few butterflies I saw were finding what nourishment they could from dandelions.  First an Anise Swallowtail ...

Greater Fritillary, Brainard Lake
... then some species of Greater Fritillary.

I think it goes without further explanation that my morning at Brainard Lake Recreation Area was a complete success!

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