Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Lake Isabelle, June 2022: Part I

I'd completed one of my two missions at Brainard Lake by 7 a.m., spending quality time with the moose right on schedule. Next up was the simultaneously more relaxing and more invigorating mission -- doing one of my favorite hikes to Lake Isabelle.

Brainard Lake Sunrise
Well, first I had to catch the initial hints of sunrise on the Indian Peaks.  Then, I could hike to Lake Isabelle.

American Globeflower, Brainard Lake
A late snowfall seemed to have delayed the wildflowers which were typically abundant by now.  American Globeflowers, at least, were blooming.

Brainard Lake
The shore of Lake Brainard was tranquil at the early hour.  Idyllic.

Jean Lenning Trail
The trail was in terrific shape.  Skies were clear.  Temperatures were mild.  In short, life was perfect. :)

Jean Lenning Trail
OK, some parts of the trail were a little wet.

Jean Lenning Trail
This reflection in a puddle fascinated me -- so bright when everything around it was in shadow.  Light is cool.

Cascades, Lake Isabelle
The cascades near the top of the trail were as captivating as ever, running briskly.

Lake Isabelle
The final stretch of trail is just the lake rolling out the red carpet.  Flat, open, inviting.  A wonderful culmination after the final set of switchbacks.

Lake Isabelle
I hadn't taken a contemplative wilderness glamour shot since Death Valley four years ago.  This was the right time and place for another.

More to come!

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