Saturday, June 11, 2022

Post Oak Park: June 2022

I've got a couple of road trips planned for the summer which should be full of photo opportunities. But I've only been out shooting once this year so far, so I wanted to get in a little camera time to shake off some rust.  A quick trip to Post Oak Park seemed like it would do the trick.

Texas Thistle, Post Oak Park
I think I'm more intrigued by the look of Texas Thistles right before they bloom than after.

Desert-Chicory, Post Oak Park
I thought this was a Common Dandelion, but a member of the iNaturalist community corrected me.  Apparently it's Desert-Chicory.

Purple Passionflower, Post Oak Park
Purple Passionflowers are stunning.  I wish I had brought a stepladder so I could have gotten above this blossom and shot straight down on it.  But hiking while carrying a ladder is awkward at best.

Great Blue Heron, Post Oak Park
I saw lots of critters that I wasn't prepared to photograph before they made a hasty retreat -- a Blue Jay, a Swallowtail, a Great Egret, a Green Heron, a Fox Squirrel, and several Northern Cardinals.  When I saw this Great Blue Heron hanging around the south pond, I decided to show some uncommon patience and follow it for a while. 

Great Blue Heron, Post Oak Park
And my patience paid off, as I was able to get into a position where I didn't have to shoot through reeds.

Great Blue Heron, Post Oak Park
Trying for a fish!  I love the the nearby turtle can't be bothered.

Great Blue Heron, Post Oak Park
The heron eventually waded farther into the pond, which is apparently much shallower than I realized.  Then it flew off, and I moved on.

Widow Skimmer, Post Oak Park
One last stop at the north pond where I got a different angle on a Widow Skimmer, and I was done.  The time with the heron was the highlight, and I got some much-needed time out in nature with my camera.  So, mission accomplished!

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