Monday, April 18, 2022

Ennis Bluebonnets 2022

I made my annual pilgrimage to Ennis last Friday. The weather forecast called for comfortable temperatures and mostly sunny skies, so there seemed like an excellent chance for a colorful sunrise.

Sunrise, Bardwell Lake
Itching for something a little different on my seventh trip to shoot the bluebonnet bloom, I decided to give the west shore of Bardwell Lake a try for sunrise.  I like sunrise shots across water, and felt confident I could find some interesting foreground elements.

Unfortunately, the cloud cover turned out to be thicker than I'd anticipated.  The clouds rolled in while I was watching the sky grow lighter.  Shame, because I did find a foreground I liked. 

Sunrise, Bardwell Lake
A brief break in the clouds came right as I was walking by some other nice foreground scenery, so I quickly set up and shot again.  That would be the last time I saw the sun that morning. :(

Meadow View Nature Area
I headed next to the Meadow View Nature Area and waited for the local constabulary to come and unlock the gate at 8 a.m.  They were a little late, but the bluebonnets weren't going anywhere.  Patches were thick near the lake, and the thick clouds actually served to provide some nice drama.

Juvenile Texas Longhorn
A young Texas Longhorn gave me a wary look.

Mach Road
I headed to another area of past wonderment -- Mach Road.  The bluebonnets here were sparse, but yielded a nice "less is more" shot.

Telico Bluebonnet Field
My favorite spot was next -- the field south of Telico where last year the owner approached me while I was shooting and asked if I thought he should put up a welcome sign.  I was delighted to see that he had!

Telico Bluebonnet Field
The flowers here were as thick as ever, in full bloom, and still taller than the grass.

White Bluebonnet, Telico Bluebonnet Field
I got down low for a nice look at an isolated White Bluebonnet.

Telico Bluebonnet Field
There were fewer Indian Paintbrush than I had seen in past years, but not a complete dearth.

Telico Bluebonnet Field
I always enjoy the "something extra" the hay bales in Holy's field add to the scenes.

Telico Bluebonnet Field
Hay bale triangle!  Fundamentals of photography, y'all.

Texas Longhorn
I headed towards Sugar Hill Road and stopped to spend some time with a more mature Longhorn steer.

None of my other stops -- Union Hill, Andrews Road, or Sugar Hill Road -- yielded anything of interest.  Sugar Hill Road was actually quite nice, but also quite crowded by the time I got there.

All in all, another worthwhile trip.  The skies weren't what I had hoped for, but I was told something 25 years ago when I started playing competitive Magic and I think it applies just as well to photography -- Anything is workable!

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