Wednesday, June 15, 2022

The Flower Mound: June 2022

My first visit to Post Oak Park in four years was great, but I had the time and inclination for more.  So I headed to The Flower Mound to see what was popping there.

Prairie Sunflower, The Flower Mound
A few Prairie Sunflowers were in bloom right by the entrance.

Prairie Sunflower, The Flower Mound
If you squat down low enough when you shoot the picture, you can't tell that you're right across the street from a residential subdivision. :)

Engelmann's Thistle, The Flower Mound
Lots of the wildflowers had already gone to seed, but a few Engelmann's Thistles were still in bloom.

Fiery Skipper, The Flower Mound
Blooming wildflowers may have been scarce, but there were plenty of butterflies doing the best they could.  Like this Fiery Skipper ...

Common Checkered-Skipper, The Flower Mound

Variegated Fritillary, The Flower Mound
... and a Variegated Fritillary ...

Reakirt's Blue, The Flower Mound
... and a tiny Reakirt's Blue.

American Basketflower, The Flower Mound
One last shot of an American Basketflower, and it was time to go.  But the butterflies had made it worth the extra stop!

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