Monday, April 26, 2021

Hagerman NWR: April 2021, Part I

After a great experience down in Ennis shooting bluebonnets I was itching to get back out again.  It had been more than three years since I'd been up to Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, which was far too long!

Sunrise, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
The forecast called for about 50% cloud cover at sunrise this past Sunday -- potentially great conditions for a sunrise shot.  Unfortunately, the forecast got the clouds wrong by about 100%.  There was some interesting morning mist, but by the time I found a spot I liked and got set up it had already pretty well burnt off.

Sunrise, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Because of my lens flare issues I've started trying to get a good shot of sunrise right before the first rays actually appear.  I've been pretty happy with the results so far.

Sunrise, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
On this morning I was even fortunate to get a shot with rays and barely a hint of lens flare!  So, two wins. :)

Sunrise, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
I liked the warm light on this tree at the water's edge, and its ripply reflection.

Pinkladies, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Pinkladies during golden hour: now with bonus dew drops!

Dickcissel, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
This Dickcissel was singing his little heart out to greet the new day.

Blue-winged Teal, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
The skittishness of ducks still annoys me.  I saw plenty this day, but this shot of a pair of Blue-winged Teals is sadly the best one I got.

Snowy Egret, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
The Snowy Egrets were more abundant and more accommodating.  I love the serenity of this one.

Spider Web, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Driving from one of the pads I noticed tons of spiderwebs.  The sun was at just the right height to backlight them brilliantly.  This one was my favorite.

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