Saturday, May 8, 2021

Hagerman NWR: April 2021, Part III

As the morning wore on at Hagerman, the temperature rose and the birds became less conspicuous.  So I had to look more closely for wildlife, and take more notice of the wildflowers that were starting to bloom.

Hairy Vetch, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
I found Hairy Vetch along the roadside.

Yellow-headed Blackbird, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
Did I say the birds became less conspicuous?  Not the Yellow-headed Blackbirds along the pad roads.  They continued to be quite obvious.

White-faced Ibis, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
A small group of White-faced Ibis were foraging in the grass, which had already grown fairly tall.

Pinkladies, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
I thought this large, white flower was a lily of some sort.  Inaturalist, however, says it's a Pinklady.

Crawfish Pond, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
After about three hours driving around the refuge, I needed to stretch my legs.  A hike on the Prairie Loop trail was just the answer.

Texas Paintbrush, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
What the trail lacked in birds, it made up for in wildflowers like Texas Paintbrush ...

Prickly Sowthistle, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge

Bush Vetch, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
... and Bush Vetch.

Pectoral Sandpiper, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
I decided to drive around one last time in case there was anything I missed, and was treated with a small group of Pectoral Sandpipers picking their way through the mudflats.  

Pectoral Sandpiper, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge
The little birds are apparently somewhat picky about their feeding spots -- and willing to squabble over them!

Five glorious hours soaking up the natural beauty of the refuge.  Why exactly aren't I doing this more often?

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