Friday, April 16, 2021

Ennis Bluebonnets 2021: Trail Drive

Various and sundry other images from my drive around the Ennis area...

Union Hill Cemetery
I made my first return to Union Hill Cemetery in six years.  Confederate flags like this one dotted the graves.

I understand the problems people have with what the flag symbolizes.  I also appreciate the desire to honor one's ancestors.  The issues are problematic, so I won't be sharing this photo anywhere other than this blog.

Indian Paintbrush, Andrews Road
Paintbrush in bluebonnets -- like these on Andrews Road -- are significantly less controversial.

Andrews Road
I shot this wreath two years ago when I first saw it, also on Andrews Road.  It's a bit brighter now.

Cattle Egret, Union Hill Road
A small herd of cattle on Union Hill Road were accompanied by a small flock of Cattle Egrets.  I like the view of this one through a cow's legs, though I could do without the wire.

Roadside Sign, Union Hill Road
I like that this sign isn't promoting a particular denomination, church, or service.  Simply proclaiming the good news.

Bluebonnets and Paintbrush, TX-34
An internet tip on a lush field along Highway 34 paid off.  It takes a walk of a couple hundred yards or so from the road to really get into it, but it's completely worth it.

Bluebonnets and Paintbrush, TX-34
Visually, I much prefer my fields of bluebonnets to be broken by the occasional splash of red from a paintbrush.  Or even a more substantial element like the midground tree.

I spent about five hours driving around, enjoying the warm weather and beautiful sights.  A trip I look forward to making again in another year or so!

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