Friday, June 14, 2024

Dupont Open Space and Trail

It's been a long time since I've been on a bird walk with actual birders.  I always know I might not get great pictures, because the other folks in the group are content to see birds through their binoculars or even just hear their songs and calls.  But I also know I'm probably going to learn a lot, so it's worth it.  Today's walk in the Dupont Open Space and Trail organized by our local Wild Birds Unlimited store gave me both.

Silvery Lupine, Dupont Open Space and Trail
Wildflowers were my first subjects.  I can always get close enough to them, and they rarely fly away.  Silvery Lupine hadn't yet turned blue.

Wild Asparagus, Dupont Open Space and Trail
I didn't even know Wild Asparagus was a thing.

Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee on Upright Blue Beardtongue, Dupont Open Space and Trail
I'd already been eyeing this Upright Blue Beardtongue for a shot, then a Bicolored Striped Sweat Bee paid it a visit.  Two for one!

Lesser Goldfinch, Dupont Open Space and Trail
It took me a while to get any shots of the birds we were hearing and occasionally seeing.  And everything I got is at full zoom and heavily cropped.  But this Lesser Goldfinch is easily recognizable.

House Wren, Dupont Open Space and Trail
I got a nice education on identifying the calls of House Wrens, and was then fortunate enough to get a shot of one making that call.

Great Horned Owl, Dupont Open Space and Trail
This is not a wonderful shot of a Great Horned Owl.  But it is a shot of a Great Horned Owl, which is still cool.  We saw four of them in the same basic area, or we disturbed the same poor owl four times, or some combination thereof.

Brown-headed Cowbird, Dupont Open Space and Trail
A Brown-headed Cowbird, possibly looking to take over the nest of some other poor unsuspecting bird.

Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Dupont Open Space and Trail
We watched quite a little kerfuffle between a pair of male Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, likely over a female.  Here one is on the lookout for his rival...

Broad-tailed Hummingbirds, Dupont Open Space and Trail
...then KAPOW! Well, not so much "kapow."  But they did buzz and circle each other a lot.
Wild Four o'Clock, Dupont Open Space and Trail
Wild Four o'Clock blooming under the trees.

Red-tailed Hawk, Dupont Open Space and Trail
One of our guides pointed out a Red-tailed Hawk nest they'd seen a few weeks earlier on another walk.  Then we watched its residents circle overhead for a bit.

Yellow Warbler, Dupont Open Space and Trail
We heard most of the birds before we actually caught sight of them, and this Yellow Warbler was no exception.

Meadow Salsify, Dupont Open Space and Trail
Meadow Salsify already on its way out before summer even arrives.

A great walk with some great folks, where I learned some interesting stuff and got some decent pictures.  In other words, a great morning!

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