Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rabida Island, Part 2

The sun had burned off most of the clouds at the end of our hike on Rabida Island. That gave me more light to shoot the sights on the red sand beach.

Galápagos Sea Lion, Rabida Island
Those sights consisted primarily of sea lions.  And they weren't sleeping!

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island
It was great to get the chance to observe some interactions between these animals.  Some seemingly tender ...

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island
... some less so ...

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island
... then back to tender again.  Sea lion love!

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island

I suppose it was inevitable that sleep would eventually come.

Galápagos Sea Lion, Rabida Island
This poor creature had gotten itself entangled in some monofilament fishing line.

Galápagos Sea Lion, Rabida Island
Our naturalist took a closer look and confirmed that the fishing line was gone, but the damage had already been done.  And I was getting some pretty strong "no more pictures" signals.

Galápagos Sea Lion, Rabida Island
Well, maybe just one more.

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island
Water, beach, hill, and sky all converge at roughly the same point in the distance.

Marine Iguana, Rabida Island
Not sure what this marine iguana was up to.  Eating, maybe?

Galápagos Sea Lions, Rabida Island
As the day grew warmer, the sea lions sought out some shady shelter.  Say that five times fast.

Rabida Island
I honestly thought this scene of white trees on a red cliff against a blue sky would turn out more striking than it did.  Still appealing, though.

Click here for more blog posts from my amazing visit to the Galápagos Islands!

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