Thursday, August 10, 2023

Mount Evans, July 2023

I took last summer off from my typically annual pilgrimage to the summit of Mount Evans to commune with the Mountain Goats.  This year it was time to scratch that itch again.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
In past years I've gone up early enough to shoot the sunrise on the mountain.  This year I showed myself some grace and didn't reach the summit until around 7:30.  That was still early enough to get some nice warm light.

Mountain Goats, Mount Evans
I always like shots of animals interacting with each other, or at least tolerating each others' presence. 

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
Babies are the main draw, and there are typically several.  But this year I only saw one.

Mountain Goats, Mount Evans
There were some moments when the little one stayed fairly close to who I assume was its mama ...

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
... but also plenty of times when it was off on its own.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
Testing boundaries is an essential part of growing up for any critter, I suppose.  I TOLD YOU TO GET OFF THOSE ROCKS!

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
It's always fun to see the winter coats being shed.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
Some of the goats probably don't find it quite as fun.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
I get big Every Breath You Take video vibes from this pose.

Mountain Goats, Mount Evans
I typically focus on individuals or pairs, but I thought there was an interesting energy and dynamic to the whole group at the summit on this morning.

Yellow-bellied Marmot, Mount Evans
An occasional Yellow-bellied Marmot also poked its head out, as per usual.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
As the sun rose higher in the sky there seemed to be more posing going on than grazing.

Mountain Goat, Mount Evans
The goats don't seem to distinguish much between the natural terrain and the man-made elements.

Yellow-bellied Marmot, Mount Evans
On my drive back down I got a quick shot of a marmot walking more purposefully than I've probably ever seen.

It's always great to not only see and spend some time among these beautiful creatures, but also to commiserate with other wildlife photographers.  I'm glad I made it back up this year!

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