Friday, July 29, 2022

Nauset Light Beach

It had been five years since our last family trip to Cape Cod.  On past visits I'd gone out to shoot around Chatham, Wellfleet, and East Falmouth.  This time, Eastham was the destination.

Nauset Light
I was looking for a good spot to capture both sunrise and a lighthouse, preferably in the same shot.  I started at Nauset Light Beach, where there is, indeed, a picturesque light house.  I couldn't find a location to get it and the sunrise together, so I settled for this view looking west with the tower bathed in a soft pink glow.

Nauset Light Beach, Sunrise
Then I walked over to the cliffs overlooking the beach to the east, and got the sky before sunrise.  Which was stunning, even with the extremely annoying chemtrail.

Nauset Light Beach, Sunrise
Then the sun peeked over the horizon, which was also stunning.

Nauset Light Beach, Sunrise
Portrait orientation?  Stunning. :)

Nauset Light Beach, Sunrise
Down off the cliffs and onto the beach itself for some quality time with a lifeguard chair and the newly risen sun.

Nauset Light Beach
I like the point in this scene where the sky, sand, and glacial scarp all meet.  I like the clouds, and the texture of the beach.  I don't know that I particularly like much else about it, though.  It confounds me.

Nauset Light
Back to the lighthouse where the sun was shining more brightly, making the exterior colors even more vibrant.

Nauset Light
Long shadows from the low morning sun crept up the stairs, and with that my time on Nauset Light Beach had come to an end.  But it was only 6:30 in the morning, so I had other destinations in the area still to see!

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