Sunday, July 31, 2022

Nauset Marsh Trail

After a beautiful sunrise at Nauset Light Beach, it was time to stretch my legs a bit.  Walking the Nauset Marsh Trail seemed like it would fit the bill.

Nauset Marsh Trail, Salt Pond
The waters in Salt Pond were fairly still.  Not a mirror, but still pretty.

Nauset Marsh Trail
Past the pond the view opened up nicely -- marsh, footbridge, trees, wispy clouds, an old building.  Nice mix of visual ingredients.

Nauset Marsh Trail
Speaking of the footbridge, the still-low morning sun gave it some attractive shadows.

Wild Carrot, Nauset Marsh Trail
Wild Carrot was in bloom on the hilltops, and at least one spider was taking advantage.

Cabbage White, Nauset Marsh Trail
Cabbage Whites were the most numerous wildlife I encountered.

Backlit Leaf, Nauset Marsh Trail
A backlit leaf caught me, and like that the 1.3-mile loop was done.  So I needed another hike!

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