Friday, June 22, 2018

Texas City Dike, June 2018: Pelicans

Following a fun first peek at the Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge, I headed for another spot I'd heard about but not actually visited yet -- the Texas City Dike.

Water definitely does attract living creatures, especially birds.  And some of the most plentiful birds at the dike were Brown Pelicans.

Brown Pelican, Texas City Dike
I found the birds to be slightly wary, but not overly so.  Especially in spots where fishermen might yield an easy meal.  I was kept under watchful eye as I shot, but the birds definitely weren't nervous about my presence.

Brown Pelicans and Cormorant, Texas City Dike
"Hey, Ralph ... what's with the new guy?"

"Look at me, I'm a pelican!  I'm a pelican -- AaaAAUUUUuukkKKKK!"

Brown Pelicans, Texas City Dike
I didn't realize pelicans flew in the same lopsided formations as geese.  Still reminds me of my grandfather's favorite riddle.

Brown Pelican, Texas City Dike
I drove up and down the four-mile dike for several hours.  Returning to the same spot as my first pelican portrait produced more detailed results with the sun lower in the sky.

Brown Pelican, Texas City Dike
The background of this one is a little more cluttered than I'd like, but it does provide some valuable context.

Brown Pelican, Texas City Dike
I love that I was able to stand almost directly underneath one bird who was resting on a lamppost to get this snooty-looking expression of disdain.

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