Saturday, December 14, 2013

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail

The Saddle Pass Trail is a short but steep hike that provided the best workout of my visit to Badlands National Park.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
The Wall's rugged beauty never fails to impress.  Even when you know you're about to climb it.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
I wondered why the trail were marked with poles rather than cairns.  But the "rocky" landscape is a lot more fragile up close than it appears from a distance.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
The trail is considered "strenuous" for good reason.  It's barely a trail, and goes almost straight up with no significant switchbacks.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
I can't even imagine what early settlers coming from the north must have felt like reaching this point.  Or how they decided this was the best place to forge a route down.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
The Castle Trail extends to the east and west once you finish climbing the Badlands Wall.  But I decided against hiking any of it, mainly because it just didn't seem to go anywhere interesting.

Badlands National Park: Saddle Pass Trail
One last look to the east, then I headed back down.  The trail is listed as having just 216 feet of net elevation gain over a little more than a third of a mile, but it seems tougher than that for some reason.  Definitely worth doing, though, to work up a little sweat!

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