Friday, January 6, 2023

South Valley Park, December 2022

Moving to Texas made me more fully realize and appreciate what an embarrassment of scenic riches I had living in Colorado.  Not just in the state as a whole, but even within just a few minutes' drive from my house.  TrailMark has two state parks, two county parks, an Audubon Center, botanic gardens, and a recreation area all within a 10-minute drive.  So as much as I enjoyed shooting at Hildebrand Ranch Park on my snowy winter morning, when I finished there I knew I didn't need to be finished finished.

South Valley Park
Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms are the closest, but don't open their front gate until 9 a.m.  On another day I might have just walked down the creek to the farm buildings and taken some beautiful pictures.  But with the temperature at a balmy 10 degrees below zero, I needed to stay close enough to my car to get some warmth when I started to lose feeling in my fingers and/or toes.  South Valley Park was a wonderful backup choice.

South Valley Park
The two spots are close enough that after making my first stop at Hildebrand Ranch, I drove over to South Valley to scout and take a couple of shots, then went back to Hildebrand Ranch.

South Valley Park
Then I went back to South Valley when the clouds had parted and the sun was shining.  While still frigid out, the sun warmed things up enough that I could stay away from my car a little longer.

South Valley Park
That meant I could hike the trails a little farther, and I was glad to take full advantage of the opportunity.

South Valley Park
The simple combination of blue skies, red rocks, and white snow always delights me.

South Valley Park
I had thought quite a bit about visiting Garden of the Gods for the first time in many years.  But a 10-minute drive easily beat a 90-minute one.

South Valley Park
Not surprisingly, I saw no other people out and about.  Which meant the trails were completely unspoiled.

South Valley Park
Well, unspoiled by any tracks but my own.

Was I finished now after two stops each at two different locations?  Nope!

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