Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Hildebrand Ranch

I'd gotten a nice taste of winter on my first full day in Colorado during my annual winter break visit. Mother Nature decided I needed a full meal, and sent frigid Arctic air and several inches of snow a few days later.

Hildebrand Ranch Park
Hopeful for a colorful sunrise I headed out into 10-below temperatures (according to my car).  In that kind of cold I wanted to shoot somewhere I could frequently return to my car to warm up.  So I chose Hildebrand Ranch Park.  The old two-story barn didn't disappoint, but the clouds weren't ready to cooperate.

Hildebrand Ranch Park
I've always been intrigued by this little structure.  No idea what it is, and a brief internet search came up empty.

Rowdy Dog Ranch
As the clouds drifted south I headed slightly west, drawn by the tire swing at the Rowdy Dog Ranch.  Not wishing to trespass on private property I was still able to get a nice composition from the side of the road.

Rowdy Dog Ranch
Through the trees I could see the faintest traces of a prism in the sky.  Not a rainbow, exactly.

Hildebrand Ranch Park
Back at Hildebrand Ranch I could see the interesting phenomenon much more fully.  A later internet search told me it's called a sundog -- "colored spots of light that develop due to the refraction of light due to ice crystals," according to the National Weather Service.  Pretty cool is what I call it.

Hildebrand Ranch Park
I did a little more exploring in other places, then made a third and final stop at the park to capture the strange structure one last time with fresh snow on and around it and bluebird skies behind it.

Grateful to get to see a little more winter, and keep all my fingers and toes while shooting it!

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