Friday, January 4, 2019

White Sands National Monument, July 2018: Morning

One final mile remained on my epic summer road trip. Well, one final mile on foot anyway. Then a LOT of miles left in the car between White Sands and home. But one final mile that mattered -- one mile outside, in the fresh air, with my camera.

And oh, what a mile it was.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
The white sands were pink-and-blue sands in the early morning light.  Completely otherworldly.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
My favorite cloud conditions, too.  Partly cloudy always means that the sky is nearly as interesting as the landscape.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
When the color in the sky had left, the show still wasn't over.  The textures in the sand were gorgeous, and the occasional plant served as a wonderful reminder that life always finds a way.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
Same plant, composition just shifted slightly to the right. :)

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
I don't incorporate people into my landscape shots very well.  I'd like to get better at doing so to help establish scale and tone.  I got a lucky opportunity when another camper strolled through, and his presence definitely added something to the scene.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
I was blessed to get to take this trip, and I knew it.  And the splendor of this final hike only confirmed it.

White Sands National Monument, Backcountry Camping Trail
A final shot.  A final look.  A contented sigh, a weary smile.  Then a long drive home.

When my children were young, I dreamed of taking them on a road trip like this one.  I was admittedly disappointed when neither of them wanted to come.  But in hindsight, I think it was best that I went alone.  I did things and went places that they wouldn't have wanted to, and I would have regretted missing them.

As it turned out, I didn't regret a thing.

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