I spent more time focusing on the north side of the canyon on the hike back to Jenny Lake. The peaks on that side are part of the St. John group.

A patch of
Tansy Aster.

The sun was high in the sky now, and provided some nice views downstream back towards the canyon mouth.

That bull moose I first saw around 9 a.m. was in the same spot when I got back around 11:30. Then as if on cue, he got up and started ambling through the creek. Very considerate.

A different view from Inspiration Point.

I don't think this
Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel got what he was expecting from me.

I never did find out what the guy on the left was glassing.
Hidden Falls was
packed with people when I got back to it. I had to take this picture through some fence rails if I didn't want to wait in a line about a dozen folks deep for a better view, which I didn't.

Besides, there was other moving water to shoot.

One final look back at Teewinot before I got back in the car. I definitely took my time on this one, only covering about six miles in around five hours. But seeing that little moose family was an unforgettable treat, and the scenery was absolutely amazing. A wonderful way to close out a wonderful trip!
Click here for Part I
Click here for Part II
Looks like a fantastic hike, Steve. I enjoyed the virtual tour.
-Tom Easley
Thanks, Tom! The whole trip was a blast, but the hike was definitely a highlight. :)
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