If you can get the light and focus right, spider webs make for cool pictures.

I was told some of my relatives helped build the fire tower at the top.

Zak decided he wanted to climb it, then a few sections up decided he didn't and we went back down.

Then he changed his mind again, and surprised me by making it all the way to the top. I told him later that if he hadn't been there, I probably wouldn't have gone up.

I can't believe I had to go all the way to Vermont to get my first decent butterfly picture of the season.
NOTE: As usual, Mike Fisher comes to the rescue with an ID: Argynnis atlantis. He can even identify butterflies from Vermont!

We got caught in a downpour on our way back down, but when the storm broke we got a nice view of Mount Pisgah and Mount Hor.
About four hours to go about seven miles roundtrip, with I think about 2,000 feet of elevation gain. In the interest of total disclosure, a nice lady took pity on our pitiful, soaked forms and gave us a ride the final mile and a half back to our car.
Beautiful pictures! The Painted Lady butterfly looks like its right out of Nat Geo!
Thanks! I got a lot more good insect shots (mostly butterflies) last summer. I wonder if the wet weather has been a factor this year?
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