Friday, August 12, 2022


Following our week in Cape Cod, I took our camper van and began driving back to Texas.  But not by a direct route -- I had places I wanted to visit that were more or less along the way.  The first of these was my college town of Ithaca, New York, which I hadn't been to in 25 years.

Sunset Park, Ithaca
I had quite a time finding a place to shoot the sunset.  I started at Taughannock Falls, but there was just a trickle of water flowing.  So I tried Buttermilk Falls, and it was bone dry.  Third time proved to be the charm, as Sunset Park lived up to its name.

Bear Oak, Ithaca
The setting sun shone warmly on some Bear Oak acorns.

Rainbow, Sunset Park
Following my tried-and-true rule of always turning around to see what's behind me when I'm out shooting, I caught a beautiful rainbow.

Sunset Park, Ithaca
When the sunset came, it was magnificent.

Sunset Park, Ithaca
And I was not the only one there to enjoy it.

Sunrise, Laughing Goat Fiber Farm
After a restful night at the Laughing Goat Fiber Farm, I awoke to a sunrise whose splendor easily equaled the previous night's sunset.

Sunrise, Laughing Goat Fiber Farm
If I'm being petty, I'd wish for some vibrant wildflowers in the field.  But there's no point in being petty with a view like this.

Taughannock Falls, Ithaca
The previously mentioned Taughannock Falls was still impressive, even without its water.  Still, some water would have been nice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Rockledge, Fall Creek
The view from the Stewart Avenue bridge over Fall Creek is so lovely, I don't know why I didn't take the time to enjoy it every day I lived in that house on the left, which I did for a year in college. 

Horseshoe Falls, Ithaca
Back when I was a student at Cornell, coming down to the gorge to sunbathe was pretty common.  Now there are signs discouraging people from walking right up to Horseshoe Falls.  I, however, am not easily discouraged.

A delightful stop that brought back some wonderful memories and made some new ones!

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