Monday, July 4, 2022

Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, June 2022

The last photo stop on my quick tour of the Galveston area was Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.  Every time I've visited in the past, I'd had some great wildlife sightings and gotten some excellent pictures.  It still surprises me that I've been to other NWRs and literally seen no noteworthy wildlife at all, but I guess I need to keep in mind that these areas aren't intended to provide things for humans to gawk at.  They're intended to provide habitat for wildlife to live, and that wildlife might not care to be seen.

But I'm really glad when the wildlife doesn't mind so much. :)

Black-bellied Whistling-Duck, Anahuac NWR
Great stuff right away at the pond by the visitor center with a pair of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks just taking lazy laps around the water.

Red-eared Slider, Anahuac NWR
A Red-eared Slider enjoyed the summer heat.

Four-spotted Pennant, Anahuac NWR
Not the best lighting, but I still like the silhouette of this Four-spotted Pennant.

I was already operating in stealth mode knowing that ducks, turtles, and dragonflies are prone to skittishness and taking off if they feel threatened.

Great Egret, Anahuac NWR
Shoveler Pond had been drained for maintenance, so birds like this Great Egret were congregating around whatever water they could find.

Black-necked Stilt, Anahuac NWR
I saw a lot more Black-necked Stilts than I have in the past, including babies with watchful parents that were definitely not going to allow me to get too close.

Black-necked Stilt, Anahuac NWR
I had to be patient even with solitary adults like this one.

Common Nighthawk, Anahuac NWR
I think I've seen Common Nighthawks on the same stretch of road every time I've visited the refuge.  I especially like this shot because I didn't take it -- Taryn did, since she had a closer view from her side of the car!

I may have gotten pictures early in the morning or late in the afternoon when the sun wasn't so high in the sky and temperatures not as hot.  But as usual when visiting Anahuac, I was still satisfied with what I saw!

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