Saturday, March 27, 2021

Corpus Christi, March 2021

The bulk of my time in Corpus Christi was spent at Hazel Bazemore County Park and Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.  But I stopped at probably a dozen other spots in the area to see what I could see.  This is the best of what I saw. :)

Indian Point Pier
Even though the weather forecast called for overcast skies, I still went to Indian Point Pier to try and shoot the sunrise.  I didn't get a sunrise, but I like what I did get.

Whooping Cranes and Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks, Lamar, TX
I got a tip from a wonderful birding couple from Oklahoma that there was a great place to see Whooping Cranes in Lamar.  I went there and they were right!  They were unfortunately too far away for a great photo, and I didn't even notice the little band of Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks that were with him until I was processing.

Long-billed Curlew, Sunset Park
I stopped at Sunset Lake Park on my way back from Aransas.  This Long-billed Curlew was looking for food in the mud, and I was fortunate to get perfect light.

Great-tailed Grackle, Indian Point Park
I know Grackles aren't the most beloved birds.  But when sits so accommodatingly in such good light, it gets its picture taken.

Dunlin, Indian Point Park
A small group of Dunlins were a little skittish, but still stayed close and still enough for me to get a decent look at one of them.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Pollywog Ponds
I was running out of sun when I arrived at Pollywog Ponds.  It was still nice to have a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher for a welcoming committee.

Turkey Vulture, Pollywog Ponds
There were many Turkey Vultures circling overhead at Pollywog Ponds.  I didn't try to find out why.

Pollywog Ponds
I love how the trees had overgrown this trail at Pollywog Ponds.  I'd love the chance to come back and shoot it in different light.

Swantner Park Sunrise
I tried for sunrise again on my second day, this time from Swantner Park and with no clouds.

Swantner Park Sunrise
No clouds takes away some interest, but the moment jjjuuuuusssstttt before the sun peeks over the horizon is always special.

Northern Mockingbird, Blucher Park
Blucher Park was recommended by several folks.  I heard more birds than I saw, but did get good light and a good view of this Northern Mockingbird ...

Field Sparrow, Blucher Park
.. and this Field Sparrow.

Another whirlwind tour of a new area, with plenty of great encounters in less than 48 hours!

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