Thursday, March 19, 2015

Carlsbad Caverns: Big Room Tour, Part II

Click here for Part I.

Sunday morning at Carlsbad Caverns was everything we'd been promised: uncrowded.  That gave Zak and I an opportunity to really soak in the awesomeness at our own pace, which we took full advantage of.

The Chandelier, Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
The Chandelier was my favorite formation in terms of how it photographed.  The lighting on it really brought out its fine details.

The Chandelier, Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
It was a real treat to get to see it from all sides, too.

The Caveman, Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
The Caveman was another aptly named formation.  Does anyone else see Dr. Zaius from Planet of the Apes in it besides me?

Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
I felt like I was really getting into a groove of understanding how to showcase the varying contrasts and textures.  To get to spend even more time learning the place would likely result in some truly spectacular shots.

Rock of Ages, Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
Rock of Ages.  I should have had Zak stand by that railing on the left for some scale.  Next time. :)

Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
Some passages just disappeared off into the distance.  The ones that disappeared down were the ones that made me a little queasy.

Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
I learned to remember that stalactites are the ones that hang from the ceiling because they cling tight.  That makes stalagmites the ones that grown up from the floor.  Mnemonic devices are wonderful.

Doll's Theater, Big Room, Carlsbad Caverns
This seemingly spacious cavern is actually just a few feet across, and known as the Doll's Theater.

The Big Room tour typically takes around an hour and a half.  It took Zak and I two and a half, and by the end I could tell that he'd had just about enough of caves.  I'm not sure what could convince me to go to any other cave after Carlsbad Caverns.  I feel like I've already seen the biggest and best!

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