Saturday, January 11, 2014

Elk Meadow Park: January 2014

Headed out for a quick walk in Elk Meadow Park this morning with Taryn and Ginny. Ginny was especially delighted. I think it was her first time out and off leash since our August trek on the Shrine Mountain Trail.

Elk Meadow Park
Getting Ginny to pose for pictures isn't easy when there's so much to smell and explore.  Taryn had limited success with Milk Bones.

Elk Meadow Park
Ginny's smart enough to know that where there's one Milk Bone, there are usually others.

Elk Meadow Park
Of course, I wish she wasn't so focused on the treat sometimes.

Elk Meadow Park
Posing clearly wasn't going to work with Ginny.  So it was time for candids.

Elk Meadow Park
Vigilant is Ginny's middle name.

Elk Meadow Park
Not exactly a fox, but the stalking look still kind of works for her.

Elk Meadow Park
Taryn's preferred activity was making sure we didn't deviate from the main trail.  Ginny's was sniffing everything that needed sniffing.

The Stagecoach Hollow Loop covers 1.7 miles, and we were done in less than an hour and headed back home.  A great stretch of the legs on a winter day!

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