Sunday, September 29, 2013

Guanella Pass, Part II

Click here for Part I.

Our foliage drive was off to a wonderful start, and that was with the foliage on the south side of Guanella Pass nowhere near peak.  A light dusting of snow on the summits was doing its part to add an extra dimension of beauty to scenery that really didn't need much help.

Guanella Pass Summit
The top of the pass was sensational -- crisp and clear.  I passed other photographers wandering around with the same goofy grin I had, just reveling in our good fortune.

Guanella Pass
Heading down the north side of the road was where glimpses of the aspens began to show themselves.

Guanella Pass
The farther we drove, the more the aspens became the real stars of the show.

Guanella Pass
Yellowstone has bear jams.  At spots like this yesterday, Guanella Pass had aspen jams.

Guanella Pass
"Ablaze with color" sounds like a cliche.  Until you're there and you see it.

Guanella Pass
And then you literally turn around and see it behind you, too.

Quaking Aspens
There was just enough breeze at certain moments for the quaking aspens to live up to their name.

Guanella Pass
Just another day at the office.

Guanella Pass
When I first moved to Colorado, I scoffed at the idea that foliage that was simply green and gold could be as breathtaking as the colors back in New England and upstate New York where I grew up.

I really don't mind having been totally wrong about that. 

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