Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mount Galbraith Park

Got in a quick hike with Futtermania this morning.  We were both looking for something moderately challenging but not too much of a drive, and he came up with the excellent suggestion of Mount Galbraith Park in Golden.

Tent caterpillars were in abundance.  Looks like it's going to be quite a summer for moths.

The Indian Peaks were already looking pretty bare.  I'm a little surprised the media hasn't been banging the "drought" drum harder already.

Ivan was a champ, but eventually pooped out about a mile before we finished and Josh had to carry him most of the rest of the way.  Ginny even seemed like the hike took more out of her than I thought it would.

There were a lot more burnt trees than I remembered seeing when I last did the hike three or four years ago.  Josh recalled that there had just been a wildfire here last year -- the Indian Gulch fire.

We took a brief break at the halfway point, but even with that and the canine carry we still did the 4.5 miles in a little more than two hours.  A nice workout on a beautiful spring day!

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