Sunday, September 4, 2022

Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2022, Part I

On my summer road trip two years ago, Great Smoky Mountains National Park was easily the highlight.  It was unlike any place I'd ever seen, almost impossibly green and lush.  Its waterfalls were stunning.  Its giant rhododendrons were marvelous.  Needless to say, I was thrilled to have the chance to visit again.

Clingmans Dome Trail
I got in later than expected, playing cat-and-mouse with heavy rainstorms throughout the afternoon.  After checking in at my campground, I barely made it to the Clingmans Dome trailhead in time to start my planned hike to Andrews Bald in time to make it before sunset.

Andrews Bald
Alas, the storms meant clouds which meant that even though I reached Andrews Bald in time, there was no sunset to be seen.

Andrews Bald
I waited as twilight fell and the clouds became fog, then stumbled back to my car through the mist and darkness.  I had a headlamp, so I was safe.  Covered the three-and-a-half miles in less than an hour and a half.  But it was still plenty late by the time I got back to the campground and called it a night.

Newfound Gap
I had plans to make it to Memphis by the following evening, but not before I got in one last hike.  Charlies Bunion was the destination, Newfound Gap was the starting point, and conditions were absolutely gorgeous.

Ghost Pipe, Appalachian Trail
The morning sun was filtering through the trees just enough to spotlight these Ghost Pipe.

Appalachian Trail
Soon enough the sun was doing more than just filtering, but the think trees and cool temperatures made me feel like I could hike all day.

Turk's-cap Lily, Appalachian Trail
The higher I climbed, the more Turk's-cap Lilies I came across.

Charlies Bunion
AllTrails and MapMyWalk combined to give me perfect updates on my progress, and soon enough I was at the offshoot to Charlies Bunion.

More to come!

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