Sunday, July 26, 2020

Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Morton Overlook Sunset

My National Parks road trip was off to a glorious start, with a relaxing drive around the Cades Cove Road Loop and a nice introductory hike to Grotto Falls. All that remained was to shoot the sunset before heading to my campground, and from my research it seemed like Newfound Gap was the spot.

Morton Overlook, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
As I was headed to Newfound Gap I was struck by this view from an overlook.  Having plenty of time before sunset, I decided to pull over and get the shot.

While there I struck up a conversation with another photographer, and when I told him I was headed to Newfound Gap for sunset he strongly discouraged this idea.  This was the spot, he insisted.  Morton Overlook.  I'd actually also read about Morton Overlook and didn't realize that was where I was!

I've learned to almost always take the advice of locals when making decisions about where to shoot, so I happily agreed to stay.  The clouds were making it look like a breathtaking sunset was inevitable.

Morton Overlook, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Funny thing about clouds -- they move around quite a bit.  As sunset approached, the clouds had congealed into a rather dense mass with only a thin line of sky visible between them and the horizon.

Morton Overlook, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
God rays came and went in the distance, providing some hopeful moments.

Morton Overlook Sunset, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
As the sun prepared to peek out from below the clouds, the ridges lit up with the most glorious shades of pink and purple.

Morton Overlook Sunset, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
The color faded quickly, and was practically gone before the sun hit the actual horizon.  In fact, nothing from this moment on was all that visually special.  But those fleeting moments of rosy brilliance were a completely unique experience.  And I made a new Facebook friend!

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