I got two months of decompression and self-indulgence, spending May and June doing things like hiking, biking, going to movies and chaperoning field trips for the kids. Then right on the eve of becoming Mr. Mom I went and broke my wrist. But instead of lowering the quality of my time with Zak and Taryn, I think the injury actually enhanced it by forcing me to ratchet down a bit to do things that were more within their speed and ability.
This whole time Danelle was not only incredibly busy at work but also training hard for her first triathlon. If I'd still been working she probably would have had to make not only professional sacrifices from time to time, but also probably wouldn't have been able to make all of her training sessions. But as it was she could both keep up with her job and get herself ready for the Tri for the Cure. Her race was this morning -- conveniently enough -- and she handily beat the goal she had set for her time. I couldn't be more proud of her.
Throughout the entire three months I was also conducting a job search -- networking, sending resumes, going on interviews and all that fun stuff. I prayed for just two things during the process -- patience to accept that whatever happened would do so in God's time rather than my own, and the ability to present a clear and accurate vision of who I am and what I can do to potential employers and get the same in return from them. I turned down a couple of second interviews for opportunities that didn't feel right, and I missed out on a couple that I felt very good about. But where I ended up couldn't have been better if I'd scripted it.
With all the Lord did for me this summer I shouldn't be surprised that He also provided an opportunity to serve Him. I was approached back in June by a friend from church, Tony Blake, about providing PR assistance for a new local affiliate of a faith-based charity called Love INC. After learning a little more about what they needed I happily agreed, and so far have been able to assist them with some media exposure, collateral development and promotional ideas. It's been terrific to use the skills God gave me this way, and I expect to continue helping them out going forward.
I'm going to keep this blog going, too. But probably not at the same daily frequency I've been able to keep up since launching it. If you were a chef for a living, would you want to cook every night when you got home? Still, I've had too much fun with this to give it up for good. If you're really lucky, less quantity will result in better quality. ;)
Perhaps most amazingly of all, the first time I seriously thought that maybe I wasn't enjoying being a homemaker any more was a couple of Wednesdays ago. The very next day I got a call with the Examiner.com offer. Answering prayers that have actually been voiced is one thing. But doing the same for ones that haven't technically been asked is way more than anyone could really expect or deserve.
Some will say that these are all just fortunate coincidences, or self-fulfilling prophecies or just plain "dumb luck." But I see God's handiwork every day, in everything from the eyes of my children to the love of my wife to the majestic Colorado scenery. And I saw it manifest in these past three months, too. I just hope I can repay Him in some way for all the blessings He's given and continues to give me.
Congratulations on the job! Sounds like a wonderful summer and a great way to regroup and move forward!
Thanks, MFM! You may even see more of me in Outlands, too. ;)
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